HKIFA was honoured to organise a two-day study tour for China Bay Area delegation to exchange views and ideas around Fintech development in the region. The 30-people delegation comprises of Fintech experts and academic leaders from Guangzhou Internet Finance Association, Guangdong Internet Finance Association, Macau University of Science and Technology and Inclusive Finance Association of Guangzhou.
To commence the study tour, the delegation attended a seminar hosted by Invest Hong Kong discussing supporting measures available to Fintech enterprises entering into Hong Kong market. The delegation was subsequently hosted by the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, where Mr Franky Chung (Senior Vice President, Mainland Development at Hong Kong, Hong Kong Stock Exchange) discussed trends of development of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong and the recent consultation on new listing Boards. Delegates have expressed keen interest in learning the continued development of establishment of new listing Boards.
On the second day of the study tour, the Delegation visited professional service firm Ernst & Young and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA). At the seminar given by the Fintech Facilitation Office of the HKMA, the delegation discussed the key features of the Hong Kong financial system and the roles of the Fintech Facilitation Office.
Delegates expressed their appreciation for the friendly and supportive Fintech environment in Hong Kong.